
We use business to propel and enable us to learn, grow, and prosper. Join us in examining known and new ways to incorporate business into your life, not the other way around.

Consultation – Private Sessions

Our Proprietary Consultation Process is Structured & Planned Communication Through live meetings or virtual video conferences. Meet for an hour or longer sessions with Our Consultation Team with Action Tasks Before and After the Meeting to Track Project Goals and Progress. Larger Project Consults are Bundled and Booked Based on the Project Schedule and Need. Access Team Tasks […]

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Collaboratory – Living Life, Together

A Collaboratory is an open space, creative process, where a group of people works together to generate solutions to complex problems. Furthered by Cogburn (2003) states that “a collaboratory is more than an elaborate collection of information and communications technologies; it is a new networked organizational form that also includes social processes; collaboration techniques; formal

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